Tip of the Week (Coach Sam): Tennis for a 3 year old! November 27 2015, 15 Comments

Tom is one of Anyone For Tennis Singapore's youngest students. I started coaching him just before his third birthday around 6 months ago.

Initially, I wondered if he could even understand my instructions during every tennis lesson, but it soon became apparent that his brain was absorbing everything like a sponge and his concentration was outstanding among a few cheerful tantrums.

Tom can now hit forehands and backhands over the net and continues to blow me away with his focus at such a young age and willingness to learn.

Here's a video of the little superstar in action:


Just remember - it's never too early or late to get involved in this great game of tennis we all love!

We can organize structured group classes for 3 to 4 year olds! They will pick up the fundamentals while having loads of fun! Contact us at 93351340 to find out more.