5 year old Emilia hits 34 shot rally with Coach Dave! June 23 2015, 63 Comments

Hi, I'm Coach Dave from Anyone For Tennis. Take a look at one of my youngest students!

Recently turned 5, Emilia from Germany breaks her highest rally record scoring 34 shots.

Here, she is showing fantastic racket head ball control as well as nice, simple and compact swing shapes. No need to over-complicate the technical side at this age, fundamentals are the key. 

I would like to see her show better recovery into her ready position after each shot but hey, plenty of time to address that. Such a joy to work with talented young kids and seeing them progress.


Since this clip, she has broken her highest rally score and is generating some topspin on both forehand and backhand sides. She is developing a nice all-round game and is comfortable coming to the net and volleying.

4 years of age is ideal for starting your child on tennis lessons. For more information, please call us at 93351340.